Makers Original art, design, sculpture, carving,
                  furniture, Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, Florida

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Custom Commissioned Sculptures, Carvings and Unique
                Furniture makers in St. Petersburg, Tampa Bay, Florida

                Graffitti Art, Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, Clearwater,

Decotative and Unique Finishes by artists, in St.
                Petersburg, Cleawater, Tampa, Florida

Our custom sustainable reclaimed log furniture and wood sculptures are built to stand out and make a statement. We also create Textures, Murals and Decorative finishes and make your ideas a reality.

If you'd like to talk shop:

Please, fill out the form on our
Contact Page


Call us. 727.209.7727

                artisans creating unique art and design for your home,
                office or space

There are several reasons why someone might want to buy custom art, sculpture and furniture made from reclaimed trees, including:
Environmental Sustainability: Reclaimed wood furniture is environmentally friendly because it's made from wood that has already been harvested and would otherwise go to waste. By repurposing old wood, you're helping to reduce the need for new logging, which can be harmful to the environment.

Unique and One-of-a-Kind: Custom furniture made from reclaimed logs is unique and one-of-a-kind. Each piece has its own natural markings and characteristics that cannot be duplicated, making it a truly special addition to any space.

Durability and Longevity: Reclaimed wood is often older and more durable than newly harvested wood because it has had time to dry and stabilize. This means that furniture made from reclaimed wood is likely to last longer than furniture made from new wood.

History and Character: Reclaimed wood has a unique history and character that adds warmth and personality to a space. The wood may have been salvaged from an old barn or building, giving it a story and a sense of nostalgia.

Natural Beauty: Reclaimed wood has a natural beauty and warmth that cannot be replicated with new wood. The wood has weathered and aged over time, resulting in a unique patina and color that is difficult to achieve with new wood.

Customization Options: With custom furniture made from reclaimed logs, you have the ability to customize the piece to your specific needs and preferences. You can choose the type of wood, the size and shape of the piece, and the type of finish or stain that is used.

Overall, custom furniture made from reclaimed logs offers a unique combination of environmental sustainability, durability, natural beauty, and customization options that make it an attractive option for many homeowners and decorators.

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